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Category: Health Info

July 25, 2024 10:03 pm

Strategies for Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Feeling a little nervous about your next check-up? You’re not the only one! Research indicates that about a third of adults experience dental anxiety. But since regular dental care is essential to maintaining good oral health

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What’s New in Modern Dentistry?

What’s new in modern dentistry? So much! 2023 saw an increased use of technology that has provided more precise, effective, and comfortable treatment for patients than traditional methods. These latest innovations are keeping our patients’ smiles

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ABC’s of Preventative Dentistry

Keeping cavities away is as easy as remembering the ABCs of preventative dentistry! Start the school year off with a smile by getting back to the basics of oral health. Our pediatric dentists (Madison) spell it

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Dental Implant Aftercare Tips

Dental implants are a wonderful option for restoring smiles. Long-lasting and reliable, your dental implants will look and feel just like your natural teeth. And with proper care, they will last a lifetime! Your mouth will

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Do I Have TMJ?

Just like any parent involved in a youth sports carpool knows, a complex system needs all the parts to work together to keep things running smoothly. All it takes is one late player, a last-minute text,

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