Is It Safe to Go to the Dentist During Covid?

Just as it has all around the world, Covid-19 has impacted life in Madison, Wisconsin in more ways than we might have imagined at the outset. Many sectors of the community learned to adapt to the changing circumstances and challenges posed by the pandemic, including dentistry. Due to its strong history of disease prevention and commitment to health and safety, dentistry has emerged from the initial challenges of Covid with extremely positive outcomes. So if you’ve been concerned about contracting Covid during a dental appointment, we have some reassuring data to the question: is it safe to go to the dentist during Covid? 
  • Dentists Have a Lower Rate of Covid-19 Infection
  • Heightened Covid-19 Safety Measures
  • The Danger of Putting Off Dental Work

Dentists Have a Lower Rate of Infection than Other Healthcare Workers

The first thing to know when considering making your appointment is that studies have shown that dentists have had a very low rate of Covid-19 infection, even lower, in fact, than other healthcare professionals.  Like many other sectors, dentistry adapted quickly to add heightened safety measures to keep patients and staff as safe as possible. And the results were clear: one study showed that infection rates for dentists were as low as .2%.  Dentistry has long had disease prevention measures in place to curb the spread of disease. When Covid emerged, the world of dentistry put this strong history to work by further heightening its already stringent hygiene practices.

Heightened Covid-19 Safety Measures

At Affiliated Dentists, we are dedicated to providing our patients with safe and essential dental care. At every appointment, we confirm that patient is feeling well for dental treatment. A curbside check-in option, masks, and hand sanitizer are available for those entering. Patients are encouraged to socially distance while in the office to help curb the spread of possible germs. Our front desk staff wear masks, and our clinical staff wear face shields while treating patients. During the appointment, we use extra suction with any instruments that could produce aerosols to limit airborne particles. If a patient needs an exam, our dentists try to come in sooner to perform it to limit the patient’s total time in the office.  Afterward, we schedule the next cleaning in the operatory to cut down on the number of people at the front desk. ​​After each patient, we continue our infection control procedures that we always have had in place by wiping down the operatory, computers, and personal protective equipment.

The Danger of Putting Off Dental Work

Dental health is associated with overall good health. Putting off routine dental check-ups and cleanings can lead to decay and gum disease, which can jeopardize your wellbeing. Cavities and gingivitis can quickly progress to the point that more difficult and expensive treatments may be needed to restore your oral health.  Take care of your whole health by keeping up with routine dental work, which has been shown to be very safe, even during the pandemic. If you need help getting caught up on your appointments, please contact us today.  Affiliated Dentists offers family dentistry and periodontal maintenance in Madison, Wisconsin

Is It Safe to Go to the Dentist During Covid? brought to you by Dr. Mark Gustavson  

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