Why Do Kids Get Black Gums or Black Spots on Gums?

What Causes Black Gums in Kids?

The color of your child’s gums will normally complement the color of his or her sweet face, ranging from light pink to dark brown. Sometimes, however, darker-than-usual spots appear on children’s gums that make parents scratch their heads. If you’re not sure why your child’s gums look different, read on for the most common reason for the color change, what isn’t a big deal, and what would require a trip to a pediatric dentist. Learn more about our pediatric dentistry services and how we can help your child maintain healthy gums.

1. Teething Troubles: Eruption Hematoma

The most common cause of black gums in infants and young children is something called eruption hematoma. Normally when children teeth, the tooth descends through the gums fairly easily. Your child may be a little fussy and drool more than usual. The gums, however, should look fairly normal, perhaps with a little swelling or tenderness.

Sometimes when the tooth is descending in the gums, a fluid-filled sac called a cyst forms. This can create a lump in the gums. If blood enters the cyst, it will turn a dark purple or black color. This is called an eruption hematoma. It can occur if the eruption cyst was hurt through a fall or bumped.

If your child is teething and only experiencing Eruption Hematoma, there’s no need to come in for an appointment. It should go away after the tooth has come in. If it’s been a while, however, and the tooth has not come through, bringing your child in for an exam would be a good idea. Your dentist will check to see if the cyst needs to be surgically opened to allow the new tooth to come through.

For further reading: How Can I Comfort My Teething Baby?

How Can You Ease Pain of a Child’s Teething Gums?

If your child is especially bothered by teething, cold is your friend! Cold items applied to the gums will help decrease any swelling and numb the pain. Try offering him or her a cold bottle of chilled water, a popsicle, or a cold teething ring. Keep a stash of pacifiers in the freezer for quick relief when your child awakes at night from teething pain. Chilled foods like cold applesauce, yogurt, and purees can also provide comfort during meal times.

2. Rare Rotting: Black Gum Disease?

A far less likely reason your child has black gums is Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, also known as trench mouth. This advanced gum disease results in the death of gum tissue, which causes it to turn dark. Other symptoms of trench mouth include painful, bleeding gums, a persistent bad taste in the mouth, fever, and neck and shoulder pain.

When Should I See the Dentist for Gum Disease?

Gum disease of this extent is usually only found in older teens and adults. However, if your child has a badly decayed tooth and the surrounding gum tissue is dark, it’s possible that this tissue is also deteriorating. This serious situation would necessitate a trip to your dentist, who can treat your child to prevent further decay and disease.

Pediatric Dentistry in Madison, Wisconsin

If you have questions about the health of your child’s gums or need to schedule a regular check-up, please contact our office today. Affiliated Dentists offers pediatric dentistry in Madison, Wisconsin.

Why Do Kids Get Black Gums? brought to you by Dr. Mark Gustavson

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