Affiliated Dentists Supports Crazylegs!

This year Affiliated Dentists is supporting the Crazylegs Marathon 2013!  Jen and Connie, two of our office coordinators at our Odana clinic, are both participating in the race!

What is Crazylegs?

Crazylegs is an annual marathon that starts at the Wisconsin State Capitol.  The race, which is 8 kilometers in length, ends at the famous Camp Randall. Crazylegs brings alumni, family and friends alike together to raise money for UW Athletics.  It was named in honor of football player Elroy “Crazylegs” Hirsch, who had a very unconventional running style which helped him change directions in many different ways.  There is even a film about him!  To read about Elroy click here or to see more information about his movie, in which he plays himself, click here.

What is the History of Crazylegs?

Rated by Runner’s World magazine as one of America’s top 100 events, Crazylegs has attracted more than 229,000 participants since the first race in 1982.  That first year brought 1,525 runners and raised $9,500.  The walk portion of the Crazylegs Marathon was added in 1987 and that alone brought 676 walkers that year alone.  The record high for Crazylegs participants was reached in 2010 with an astounding 20,415 participants.

Participants are always delighted at the scenic route that Crazylegs has to offer, which goes down
Wisconsin Avenue from the Capitol and moves onto the UW campus, going down Observatory Drive to Picnic Point.  From there, the route goes to University Avenue and ends at Camp Randall.

Want to participate in the 2013 Crazylegs Marathon?  Click here to sign up.  Hurry, it’s tomorrow!

Interested in volunteering? Visit the official Crazylegs volunteer website to sign up.

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